Davis CM, Amboris-Ingerson J, Granger R, Wu J, Zabaneh R, Abdelnaby M, Lynch G (1997). Triazolam impairs delayed recall but not acquisition... Experimental Neurology, 124-134.

Davis M, Ambros-Ingerson J, Granger R, Wu J, Zabaneh R, Abdelnaby M, and Lynch G.


A double-blind test battery was administered to 24 human subjects (8 control, 16 drug) to assess the effects of 0.125 mg triazolam (oral) on memory encoding and retention across delay intervals ranging from seconds to 1 week after presentation. Although the drug reduced immediate psychomotor performance, it did not impair recall of previously learned information, nor did it significantly impair encoding of new information. The drug enhanced immediate recall of the location and identity of playing cards, without affecting 4-h delayed recall. The drug treatment impaired correct recall of object names after a delay of 20 min. At 4 h delay, the drug impaired olfactory recognition and free-recall of object names. At both 1 day and 1 week delay, the drug impaired recall of biographical information and correct identification of picture–photographer pair associations. The drug also impaired the daily improvement of the drug group as compared with the control group in a geometric puzzle solving task. The time course of these memory impairments compares well with the known effects of triazolam on long-term potentiation (LTP), a candidate biological mechanism underlying telencephalic memory formation and expression.

Richard Granger