Principal Investigator
Post - Doctorates
Graduate Students
Previous Ph.D Students (and where they are currently working)
Jeff Schlimmer, Ph.D (Washington State Univerisity)
Kurt Eiselt, Ph.D (UC Davis)
Jen Holbrook, Ph.D (Georgia Tech)
Jose Ambros-Ingerson, Ph.D (Ohio University)
Phil Anton, Ph.D (Office of Assistant Secretary of Defense)
Robert Coultrip, Ph.D (Interplay, Inc.)
Karl Kilborn, Ph.D (Intelligent Imaging Innovations, Inc)
Mike Davis, Ph.D (Liaison Technologies)
James Benvenuto, Ph.D (SmartAction)
Antonio Rodriguez, Ph.D (Dartmouth)
Andrew Felch, Ph.D (Google)
James Whitson, Ph.D (Tensor Biosciences)
Fernando Brucher, Ph.D (Google)
Nimit Dhulekar, Ph.D (MathWorks)
Ashok Chandrashekar, Ph.D (WarnerMedia)
Melissa Rundle, Ph.D (University of Texas Dallas)
Yune Lee, Ph.D (Ohio State University)
Sarah Oh, Masters (Caltech)
Eli Bowen, Ph.D (Dartmouth College)
Previous Undergraduate Researchers (and where they are currently)
Chris Kymn (LMU Munich, Germany)
Gabby Helton (Brigham Women’s Hospital)
Jack Burgess
Avery Frankenburg
Gabriel Zuckerburg