Principal Investigator
Richard Granger, Ph.D (Professor, Psychological and Brain Sciences; Thayer School of Engineering; Cognitive Sciences Program. Director, Brain Engineering Laboratory)
B.Sc., MIT; Ph.D., Yale
· Research Interests:
- What algorithms are carried out by brain circuits in distinct structures and in combinations?
- How does high-level cognition arise from these elemental brain mechanisms?
- How different are human brains from other mammal brains, and how did those differences arise?
Post - Doctorates
Damien Sowinski, Ph.D
· Graduated from Dartmouth College with Ph.D in Physics
Eli Bowen, Ph.D
· Graduated from Dartmouth College with a Ph.D in Cognitive Neuroscience
· Graduated from UC Irvine with a MS in Machine Learning and from Bucknell University with a BS in Software Engineering
· Research Interests: Statistically derived associations between stimuli in perception: understanding the powerful algorithms by which humans form these associations and how they drive perception.
· Personal Website:
Antonio Rodriguez, Ph.D
· Graduated from University of California Irvine with a Ph.D in Psychology and from California Polytechnic with a BS in Computer Science
· Research Interests: Computational Neuroscience, Visual Perception, Attention/Memory
Anand Pathak, Ph.D
· Graduated from The Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai, India with PhD in Physics.
Graduated from Indian Institute of Science Education and Research Pune, India with a BS-MS dual degree in Physics.
· Research Interests: : Computational Neuroscience, Complex Systems, Brain Networks, Brain Circuits
· Hobbies: Reading non-fiction, hiking, die-hard foodie, watching movies of all genres
Graduate Students
Khari Jarrett
(Ph.D Student, Thayer)
· Graduated from Trinity College with a BS in Computer Engineering and Mathematics
· Research Interests: Computer vision, action localization/recognition in video, deep learning
· Hobbies: Eating too many sweets, blurting out random song lyrics
Joachim Lohn-Jaramillo (Ph.D Student, Thayer)
· Graduated from New Mexico Tech with a BS in Mechanical Eng., minor in Explosives Eng.
· Research Interests: Machine Learning, Computer Vision
· Hobbies: Hiking, mountain biking, skiing, netflix
Eva Childers
(Ph.D Candidate, Program in Experimental and Molecular Medicine)
· Graduated from Worcester Polytechnic Institute with a BS in Biology/Biotechnology and a minor in Chinese Studies
· Research Interests: Visual/Auditory Perception, crowding, developmental dyslexia, tDCS
· Hobbies: Cuddling cute animals, binging Netflix and baking
Previous Ph.D Students (and where they are currently working)
Jeff Schlimmer, Ph.D (Washington State Univerisity)
Kurt Eiselt, Ph.D (UC Davis)
Jen Holbrook, Ph.D (Georgia Tech)
Jose Ambros-Ingerson, Ph.D (Ohio University)
Phil Anton, Ph.D (Office of Assistant Secretary of Defense)
Robert Coultrip, Ph.D (Interplay, Inc.)
Karl Kilborn, Ph.D (Intelligent Imaging Innovations, Inc)
Mike Davis, Ph.D (Liaison Technologies)
James Benvenuto, Ph.D (SmartAction)
Antonio Rodriguez, Ph.D (Dartmouth)
Andrew Felch, Ph.D (Google)
James Whitson, Ph.D (Tensor Biosciences)
Fernando Brucher, Ph.D (Google)
Nimit Dhulekar, Ph.D (MathWorks)
Ashok Chandrashekar, Ph.D (WarnerMedia)
Melissa Rundle, Ph.D (University of Texas Dallas)
Yune Lee, Ph.D (Ohio State University)
Sarah Oh, Masters (Caltech)
Eli Bowen, Ph.D (Dartmouth College)
Previous Undergraduate Researchers (and where they are currently)
Chris Kymn (LMU Munich, Germany)
Gabby Helton (Brigham Women’s Hospital)
Jack Burgess
Avery Frankenburg
Gabriel Zuckerburg