Shimono K, Taketani M, BRucher F, Kubota D, Colgin L, Robertson S, Granger R, Lynch G (2001). Continuous two-dimensional current-source density analyses... Neurocomputing, 899-905.

Shimono K, Taketani M, Brucher F, Kubota D, Colgin, L, Robertson S, Granger R, Lynch, G


The well-studied methods of current source densityanalysis use the Laplacian transform to identifylocations and relative magnitudes of current sources and sinks. The method is typically used in reduced one-dimensional form for electrophysiological measures, due to technical limitations. The present paper outlines a two-dimensional method in which simultaneous samples are recorded from multiple electrodes in an equidistant array, enabling the continuous sensing of current #ows in anydirection within the plane of the slice. This method reveals spatial aspects of the current sources and sinks that are diffcult to discern byother means.

Richard Granger